2014.  TIme Out article about young creators of Barcelona, in wich they include me.


Mercado de Arte Mutuo

2015. I participate in the market of the Mutual Art Center of Barcelona.


Ana TV

2015. Interview with L’H Televisió, for the opening of the exhibition Miniatudas.


III mercado de ilustradores

2016.  III Mercado de Ilustradores, event organized by Sublime Artfest in Creu Coberta, Barcelona.

2017. I participate in Art Fair Málaga 2017.

wynwood artlab

2017. The Wynwood Artlab gallery, makes a collective exhibition in Barcelona, ​​where they exhibit some of my works.




2017I start to be part of the collective of the Nau Tonal’H to the Cultural District of Hospitalet.

nau tonal'h

2018Detail of a part of the collective mural we are making for the exterior facade of the Nau Tonal’H.

2019. Collective exhibition in La Hormigonera (C/ Olzinelles 63, Barcelona)  of the Tonal’H cultural assosiation. From May 4 to June 23.